Moving Through the Food Chain

Moving Through the Food Chain

Students are learning about kinds of consumers and how energy moves through the food chain. The students discussed in groups which animals would go under which category and why. Then to check their knowledge they colored and sorted animals into their categories. The...
Ocean Bottles

Ocean Bottles

While studying the Beatitudes and in connection with our Circle of Grace curriculum on stress and pressure, our fifth grade class created “ocean bottles” using vegetable oil, water, blue food coloring, glitter, sea shells and sea glass collected on a Cape Cod beach....
Fall and Nature Immersive Poetry Workshop

Fall and Nature Immersive Poetry Workshop

In order to capture the essence of Fall, fifth graders went on a nature walk to explore the sights, sounds, and smells of the season. With clipboards in hand, we made “in the moment” observations of nature and collected three items that would be ideal to add to our...
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