

Student Council

The mission of  Trinity Catholic Academy Student Council is to represent the student body during social events, to act as a bridge between students and faculty, and to assist during school events.

Student Council is offered to students in grades 5-8 and  are elected to be class representatives or officers.  They create programs that are fun and community building.

Halloween is our biggest program of the year for the entire Trinity community.  The students create a haunted house throughout the school with many games and candy treats at the end for grades Pre-K – 5.  A dance is held for students in grades 6-8.

Student Council offers  Family Movie Nights for families in grades Pre-K through 5 and dances for grades 6 through 8 throughout the year.  They create a Christmas tree for the Festival of “Giving” Trees, an annual fundraiser for breast cancer.


GIVE Mission Statement

The mission of GIVE is to instill a sense of community and charity in our students by participating in community service projects that will help people in need.

GIVE (Get Involved Value Everyone) is a club that meets monthly.

Students in grades 6-8 are welcome to participate.

The purpose of the club is to encourage students to focus on needs in our community and get involved in projects to make a difference.

GIVE also fosters relationships among students of different ages.  Projects include making and donating hats, scarves, blankets, and rosary beads.

After School Program

The goal of the Trinity Catholic Academy After School Program is to provide a safe, stimulating and nurturing after school environment for students in grades PreK-8.  There are opportunities for teacher led as well as child initiated activities.  The space allows for homework, games, reading, and gym time.  This program is meant to enhance rather than duplicate the regular school day.

The Program follows the school calendar and  operates on days when school is in session excluding half-days, early release days due to weather and special circumstances.

 After School Program Form

Faith in Action Team (FIAT)

FIAT Mission Statement

The Faith In Action Team encourages prayer and sharing of our faith in our school and our community.

FIAT strives to live and to teach others to live as Jesus taught us.

The Faith in Action Team (FIAT) is a group of students in grades 5-8 interested in sharing their faith and helping others. The goal of FIAT is to help all students live their faith by leading through example. This group leads the school in morning and afternoon prayer each day. They are also leaders for Trinity’s annual All School Retreat. FIAT meets every other week and works through the year providing help for various community programs. FIAT works on a food drive for St. John Paul II  Food Pantry each year.  During the holiday season, FIAT participates in St. John Paul II Parish Giving Tree program by raising money to go out and buy gifts for a family in need.

Students interested in becoming a member of FIAT submit a short essay explaining what gifts they feel they can bring to the group. Students must attend their church regularly (students need not be Catholic to be a member of FIAT), must have a strong moral conscience, and show some leadership qualities. Students must maintain a C or above average to remain a member of FIAT.

National Junior Honor Society

NJHS Mission Statement

Trinity Catholic Academy National Junior Honor Society members will maintain a high standard of loyalty, scholarship, service, leadership, citizenship, character, and faith.

The purpose of the Trinity Catholic Academy Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society shall be to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership and citizenship, and to encourage the development of character.

Candidates eligible for election to this chapter must be in the second semester of sixth grade, seventh, or eighth grade. To be eligible for selection the candidate must have been in attendance for a period of one semester at Trinity Catholic Academy. Candidates eligible for selection shall have a minimum cumulative grade average of 90%. Candidates shall NOT receive a “C” for a year grade in any class, or an “Unsatisfactory” or “Needs Improvement” in the conduct area for the year. All students who can rise in scholarship to or above this standard may be admitted to candidacy for selection to membership. Upon meeting the grade level, attendance, and academic achievement requirements, candidates shall then be considered based on their service, leadership, citizenship, and character. Final selection of members shall be by a majority vote of the Faculty Council consisting of five faculty members appointed by the principal.

NJHS members are active and involved in our school. The members participate in at least one group community service project each year in addition to maintaining their individual service commitments. Past projects include planting flowers around the school, collecting school supplies for needy students in our area, and raising money to buy pajamas for disadvantaged children and battered women.  Our NJHS chapter raised money to purchase and install a Peace Pole and create a Peace Garden on school grounds. The Peace Pole has “May Peace Prevail on Earth” written in eight languages that celebrate eight of the many cultures represented in our school.

Grade 7

  • Alexandra Bryson
  • Ella Favreau
  • Tori Fontaine
  • Ethan Kenny
  • Lauren Lemire
  • Dev Patel
  • Terry Simon
  • Victoria Symock
  • Caroline Vigneault

Grade 8

  • Connor Gonyea – Vice President
  • Tiffany King
  • Nathan Kowal – President
  • Rohan Vaidya – Secretary
  • Elizabeth Valley


Trinity Catholic Academy is proud to sponsor one of the best children’s choirs in central Massachusetts.

Students in grades 3-8 rehearse every Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm. 

The choir performs a variety of styles of music and has done many musical dramatic productions. Students are encouraged to sing solos and many are able to play musical instruments.

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